The waitlist tool allows event directors to create and manage a waitlist for each category that automatically opens when the category fills. When registering for the waitlist, participants are asked for their credit card information, but no charge is made until the event director moves them into the race category. When checking out, the participants agree to the conditions of the waitlist including the last possible date they will be charged.
To create a waitlist:
1. Log into your event director account
2. Click on the name of the event you wish to create waitlists for
3. Click "Event Setup" on the left hand menu
4. Click "Category Setup"
5. Click the “Edit” button on the right side of the category for which you’d like to set up a waitlist
6. Scroll down to the Additional Details section and click the toggle for "Waitlist"
7. Update Final Waitlist Charge Date - After this date and time, you will no longer be able to charge a participant and move them off the waitlist. We recommend setting the cutoff date shortly before the event date.
*Note: participants agree to a delayed charge agreement including a statement that says they can be charged up to this date. You will not be able to edit the waitlist charge date after clicking 'save'.
8. Click "Save". Repeat as necessary for other categories.